Keys to Drawing #001

Since I hadn’t done any studying this week I figured I upload some progress of what I’ve been doing for the past few weeks. Mainly tackling two parts of chapter one of Keys To Drawing.

This is the first exercise that I’m doing, which is drawing my feet. I struggle to make it last the full half hour as I find myself done in 15 minutes, but pushed to manage to focus enough to at least 25 minutes. This was done over the first two weeks.

Next is the second exercise that I worked on for the last two weeks, which is drawing my hand. This was a little hard to keep the pose while working, and I managed to speed though this too, before at least pushing to at least 13 minutes of focus, but I was starting to tell when I was focused deep in the subject vs. winging it. I was admittingly obsessive trying to keep the focus for 15 minutes, until I decided to work on the next part of the chapter.

My personal goal at the moment is just making studying a regular habit again, and balancing this out with work and free drawing too.

So far that’s all I did, and then I ended up letting this week pass me by, so I figured to make an update here.

Additionally, I got a habit tracker to get myself focused into this too, and I’ll update with those progress as it goes.
